Sep 27, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The courses listed herein   have been approved by the faculty as authorized by the Board of Trustees.  Prerequisites (if any) and the General Education Requirement(s) which each course fulfills (if any) are noted following each course description.

If a course qualifies as an Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) General Education course, then an IAI code appears to the right of the course title.



Courses below calculus may not be taken for credit once a term of calculus has been successfully completed.

  • MTH 107 - Elementary Mathematics II

    3.00 credit hours
    Essentials of mathematics for the prospective elementary teacher to include cognitive reasoning, sets, logic and structure of arithmetic through the real numbers including numeration systems, percents, proportions and number theory. Emphasis on problem solving techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 106  or placement; high school geometry; Elementary Education major.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 108 - Elementary Mathematics III

    3.00 credit hours
    Continuation of MTH 107  to include Euclidean and transformational geometry, measurement and the metric system, basic algebra, probability and applied statistics. Emphasis on problem solving.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 107 , high school geometry and Elementary Education major.
    Core: Mathematics.
    IAI: M1 903

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 111 - Quantitative Reasoning

    3.00 credit hours
    This course is designed to fulfill the general education core requirement in mathematics for students whose majors do not require specific skills in mathematics. The course focuses on mathematical reasoning and applications in today’s world. Some of the following topics are covered in-depth: graph theory including optimal routes, planning and scheduling, statistics and interpretation of data and probability. Time permitting, other topics may be chosen at instructor’s discretion.

    Prerequisite(s): Two years of high school mathematics or instructor’s permission.
    Core: Mathematics.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 118 - Finite Mathematics

    3.00 credit hours
    An introduction to mathematical and critical thinking skills with applications. Topics include symbolic logic, set theory, elementary combinatorics, probability and statistics, mathematics of finance, applications of linear functions and equations, and may include applications of matrices.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 095  or two years of high school algebra.
    Core: Mathematics.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 121 - College Algebra

    3.00 credit hours
    This course covers the algebra skills needed for the study of calculus. Topics include linear, quadratic and absolute value equations and inequalities; graphs of linear, quadratic and rational functions; graphs, properties and applications of exponential and logarithmic functions. Students may not receive credit for both MTH 121  and MTH 140 .

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 095  or two years high school algebra.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 122 - College Trigonometry

    3.00 credit hours
    This course covers the topics in trigonometry and the theory of equations needed for the study of calculus. Topics include definitions and graphs of the trigonometric functions, solutions of triangles, conic sections, systems of equations, DeMoivre’s theorem and theory of equations. Students may not receive credit for both MTH 122  and MTH 140 .

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 121  or 2 1/2 years high school algebra.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 130 - Calculus for Business and Social Sciences

    3.00 credit hours
    An introductory course in the elements of the differential and integral calculus, including applications in business and social sciences. To include: limits and continuity, differentiation and integration of algebraic functions, max/min theory, exponential functions and their calculus. Students may not receive credit for MTH 130 and either MTH 141  or MTH 151 . This course does not prepare students for MTH 152 .

    Prerequisite(s): One of MTH 121 , MTH 140  or three years high school algebra.
    Core: Mathematics.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 140 - Integrated Calculus I: Calculus of Limits

    3.00 credit hours
    An integrated calculus course which combines the study of algebraic and trigonometric functions with a formal development of the limit. Students may not receive credit for MTH 140 and any of MTH 121 , MTH 122  or MTH 151 .

    Prerequisite(s): Four years of high school mathematics, including trigonometry and geometry.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 141 - Integrated Calculus II: Calculus of Derivatives

    3.00 credit hours
    An integrated calculus course which combines the study of exponential, logarithmic and inverse trigonometric functions with a formal development of the derivative. Students may not receive credit for MTH 141 and any of the following: MTH 122 , MTH 130  or MTH 151 .

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 140  or consent of the instructor.
    Core: Mathematics.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 151 - Calculus I

    3.00 credit hours
    Fundamental concepts of calculus including limits, continuity and differentiation with applications. The Calculus I, II and III sequence is recommended for students in the Division of Science as well as for students in other divisions desiring a strong preparation in mathematics. Students may not receive credit for MTH 151 and any of the following: MTH 130 , MTH 140  or MTH 141 .

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 121  and MTH 122 ; or four years high school math including algebra, geometry and trigonometry.
    Core: Mathematics.
    IAI: M1 900

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 152 - Calculus II

    3.00 credit hours
    Continuation of Calculus I with emphasis on integration and its applications. Required for the B.S. degree in any department.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 141  or MTH 151 .
    Core: Mathematics.
    IAI: M1 900

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 230 - Discrete Structures I

    3.00 credit hours
    (Same as: CSC 230 .) Fundamental topics in mathematics and computer science including formal logic, proof techniques, sets, relations and functions, combinatorics, graphs, logic circuits and finite state machines.

    Prerequisite(s): CSC 160 ; MTH 121  or higher or appropriate placement.
    Core: Mathematics.
    IAI: M1 905

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 231 - Discrete Structures II

    3.00 credit hours
    (Same as: CSC 231 .) A second course in discrete mathematics that introduces more advanced topics as well as covering some of the material introduced in CSC 230 /MTH 230  in more depth. Topics include growth of functions and complexity of algorithms; number theory; recursive definition and algorithms; proof techniques; program verification; discrete probability; finite state automata; and formal grammars and language recognizers. Hands-on labs allow students to apply one or more course topics to build practical working systems.

    Prerequisite(s): CSC 230 /MTH 230 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 254 - Calculus IV

    3.00 credit hours
    Functions of two or more variables, partial derivatives, multiple integrals and line integrals. Vector analysis, divergence and Stokes’s theorems.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 153 .
    Core: Mathematics.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 280 - The Nature of Proof in Mathematics

    3.00 credit hours
    The study of the nature of proof in mathematics. Students learn to find examples and counterexamples of abstractly defined objects and to generalize from those examples to conjecture theorems of their own. Specific proof techniques are taught within the context of subject matter chosen by the instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 152 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 290 - The Infinite and the Infinitesimal

    1.50 credit hours
    A rigorous investication of topics from a variety of mathematical settings that involve the infinite and the infinitesimal. Topics to include mathematical induction, fractals, limits and cardinality.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 153  and MTH 280 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 300 - Linear Algebra

    3.00 credit hours
    Vector spaces, linear transformations, inner products, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Gram-Schmidt process and orthogonal transformations.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 153 ; MTH 280  recommended.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 305 - College Geometry

    3.00 credit hours
    Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry in two and three dimensions. Axiomatics and the nature of proof. Required for supplemental secondary education majors in mathematics.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 280 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 310 - History of Mathematics

    3.00 credit hours
    An examination of the historical origins and genesis of important mathematical concepts from the ancient Greeks to modern times. Emphasis on the methodologies and philosophies of those involved in the creative process. Required for supplemental secondary education majors in mathematics.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 153 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 315 - Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications

    3.00 credit hours
    First and second order differential equations; algebraic, numerical and graphical solutions; series solutions; Laplace transforms; applications.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 254 ; MTH 300  strongly recommended.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 323 - Complex Variables

    3.00 credit hours
    Algebra, geometry, and calculus with complex numbers. Transformations of the complex plane, analytic functions, Cauchy theory of integration, power series and residue theory.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 254 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 341 - Probability and Statistics I

    3.00 credit hours
    Basic laws of probability, discrete distributions, random variables, mathematical expectation, moment generating functions, Chebyshev’s inequality and Markov chains.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 254 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 355 - Applied Mathematical Techniques

    3.00 credit hours
    (Same as: PHY 355 .) Topics in applied mathematics, including series solutions, systems of linear and nonlinear differential equations, integral transforms (Fourier or Laplace transforms), Fourier series, partial differential equations and a survey of applications from the physical sciences, life sciences and economics.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 254  and MTH 256 ; or MTH 315 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 375 - Problem Solving Seminar: Mathematics

    1.00 credit hours
    An intensive seminar in problem solving, intended to provide participants with the ability to solve non-routine problems similar to those appearing in undergraduate mathematics journals and mathematics competitions such as the AMC 8/10/12, AIME and the William Lowell Putnam competition.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 153  and MTH 280 ; or instructor consent.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 376 - Problem Solving Seminar: Actuarial Science

    1.00 credit hours
    An intensive seminar in problem solving, intended to provide participants with the ability to solve non-routine problems in insurance-related and/or financial/investment mathematics.  Required for Actuarial Science majors.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 341  and MTH 342  (or concurrent enrollment); or instructor consent.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 421 - Abstract Algebra I

    3.00 credit hours
    Elementary theory of rings, fields and groups, including modular arithmetic, polynomial rings, factorization, ideals and quotient rings, homomorphisms and subgroups.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 280  and at least one 300-level mathematics course.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 422 - Abstract Algebra II

    3.00 credit hours
    Advanced theory of rings, fields and groups, including symmetric and alternating groups, structure theorems for finite abelian groups, principal ideal domains, unique factorization domains, the field of quotients of an integral domain, vector spaces, extension fields, finite fields and the Galois Theory.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 421 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 461 - Real Analysis I

    3.00 credit hours
    Sets, functions, properties and elementary topology of the real number system. Rigorous analysis of limits, sequences, series, continuity, differentiation and integration theory.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 280  and at least one 300-level mathematics course; MTH 290  strongly recommended.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MTH 490 - Seminar

    3.00 credit hours
    Exploration of topics not included in other mathematics courses. Specific topics are determined by the interest of the students and faculty. Repeatable with different topic.

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 421  or MTH 461  or consent of instructor.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.


Media Studies

  • MED 100 - Introduction to Visual Literacy

    3.00 credit hours
    (Same as: ART 100 .) An art survey of the theories and practice of visual forms, especially as applied in interactive media. Theoretical instruction may include narratology, ut pictura poesis (relationships between word and image) and/or postmodernism; students engage these and other theories in constructing imagery.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 113 - TV Performance

    0.00-1.50 credit hours
    Offered to all students who wish to participate in Cardinal Video Productions, the campus video production company. This course is designed for video producers, directors, editors, camera operators, on-camera reporters and announcers, screenwriters, news and promotions staffers. Instructor approval needed for 1.5 credit hours. This is a graded course, regardless of credit.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 117 - Radio Performance

    0.00-1.50 credit hours
    For announcers, engineers, music directors, new directors, production, traffic, sports, public affairs and promotions staffers. Offered to all students who wish to work at the campus radio station, WONC-FM. Instructor approval needed for 1.5 credit hours. This is a graded course, regardless of credit.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 125 - Computer Animation with Flash

    1.50 credit hours
    (Same as: IFS 125 .) Course covers the fundamentals of animated computer graphics for web based delivery. Topics include: vector graphics, gradients, layers, drawing, animation, motion tweening and interactivity in a timeline-based editor. Emphasis is placed upon using Flash to develop compact interactive animations that graphically communicate ideas.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 150 - Multimedia Practicum

    0.00-1.50 credit hours
    Practical experience on the staff of the IMS online multimedia publication. Students may register for 0.00 or 1.00 credit hours for graded work as writers, editors, photographers, animators, artists or designers. Registration for credit requires four hours of work on the publication per week. Editors may register for 1.5 credit hours of work on the publication. Enrollment is encouraged but not required of staff members. A maximum of six credit hours may be earned in IMS 113 multimedia practica.

    Prerequisite(s): IMS major or minor; instructor consent.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 152 - College News Practicum

    0.00-1.50 credit hours
    Practical experience on the staff of the College news organization, The Chronicle/ Students may register for 0.00 or 1.00 credit hour to work as writers or editors, web and social media content creators, photographers, artists or designers. Registration for credit requires a minimum of four hours of work on the publication per week. Editors may register for 1.5 credits hours which requires a minimum of six hours of work on the publication per week. Registration for credit requires consent of the instructor. Students are required to take the practicum at least twice and a maximum of six credit hours may be earned in English department practica. The practicum does not count towards the major or minor; however, these credits do count toward graduation and all practica are graded, whether taken for credit or non-credit.

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 115  or ENG 125 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 200 - Professional Writing for Digital Platforms

    3.00 credit hours
    Learning to write content for news and information purposes adapted to the formats used for Web, applications and social media.

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 115  or ENG 125 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 215 - Introduction to Web Programming

    3.00 credit hours
    (Same as: CSC 215 ) Topics include the use of PHP and Ruby for server-side generation of content. Also covers HTML/CSS and Javascript for client-side presentation, SQL databases for information management and retrieval, management of shopping carts and client sessions and security. Extensive programming required.

    Prerequisite(s): CSC 161 . Recommended: IFS 115 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 220 - Video Editing and Production

    1.50 credit hours
    (Same as: IFS 220 .) Principles of video editing and production. Topics include: cuts and splices, transitions, composition, video and text overlays, audio synchronization, multi-channel editing, streaming video and croma-keying. Professional editing packages such as Adobe Premier and Final Cut Pro are used to produce short videos in formats suitable for delivery over CD/DVD, Web and TV/Cable broadcast.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 225 - Newsgathering I

    3.00 credit hours
    Introduction to journalistic writing and reporting techniques including interviews, story selection and research. Discussion on new technologies and the evolving state of journalism. Additional topics on journalism ethics and law.

    Prerequisite(s): SPC 185 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 230 - Digital Audio Editing and Production

    1.50 credit hours
    (Same as IFS 230 .) Principles of audio capture and manipulation. Topics include: physics of sound and hearing, analog to digital conversion, audio sampling and compression, sound decomposition and recomposition, sound effects, filtering distortion and noise and multi-track editing and production.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 250 - News Editing

    3.00 credit hours
    Basic techniques and responsibilities of a publications editor. Topics include editing for both content and style, working with photos, writing photo captions and writing headlines. Course includes a review of libel and attention to ethical dilemmas facing journalists.

    Prerequisite(s): MED 225 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 260 - Introduction to New Media

    3.00 credit hours
    (Same as: SPC 260 .) This course offers an overview of the Internet and other forms of new media, and examines their impact on human communication, culture, politics and daily life. It covers the major themes in the sociological and cultural study of new media, and includes some instruction in basic web design skills.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 262 - Radio Production and Direction

    3.00 credit hours
    The preparation, production and direction of program materials. Uses WONCFM production studios as the laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): MED 117  or instructor consent.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 266 - Broadcast News

    3.00 credit hours
    An intensive study of the writing, editing and production of broadcast news. Students learn to write news while integrating audio and video news elements.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 269 - Television Production

    3.50 credit hours
    An introduction to producing for television, with an emphasis on the student as message-creator and the development of visual literacy. Productions include comedies and dramas, interview programs, news and public service announcements. Students assume various production roles such as producer, director, editor, etc. and work in a studio setting as well as on-location and in the Pfeiffer edit suite. Laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): MED 113 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 270 - Screenwriting

    3.00 credit hours
    The research, writing and pre-production of television and motion picture screenplays with an emphasis on script structure and format, plot analysis, and character development. The behind-the-scenes relationships with producers, directors, screenwriters and agents are studied. Also discussed: Writers Guild of America formatics, screenwriting software choices, securing a literary agent, soliciting producers and deciphering options and contracts.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 273 - Station Programming

    3.00 credit hours
    Study of philosophical, legal and business considerations that determine the programming of radio and television stations. Courses may focus on any one of the following: news and public affairs, audience analysis, programming research or other areas related to both commercial and non-commercial programming practices.

    Prerequisite(s): MED 117  or instructor’s consent.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 277 - Broadcast Copywriting

    3.00 credit hours
    The research, writing and preproduction of radio and television scripts for public service announcements, station promotions and commercials. The relationship between writers with producers, station managers and advertising agency personnel is studied, as well as an analysis of target audiences.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 320 - Motion Graphics

    3.00 credit hours
    In this course students will develop competencies in the design of graphics for screen-based animation. These include image, graphic and typographic elements. The course will focus on the content development through an examination of work processes, software techniques and contemporary motion graphics. Lectures, projects and in-class exercises will address design, typography in motion, digital imaging, sequencing images, compositing images and principles of motion. The final product of the assignments will be the creation of video files, the documentation of the design process, and analysis of established works.

    Prerequisite(s): IFS 220 /MED 220  or IFS 125 /MED 125  or instructor’s consent.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 325 - Newsgathering II

    3.00 credit hours
    Advanced writing and reporting techniques including multi-source, in-depth articles. Introduction to using social media tools, apps and other modern tools used to create and distribute news content.

    Prerequisite(s): MED 225 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 343 - Digital Illustration and Prepress Production

    3.00 credit hours
    (Same as ART 343 .) An in-depth exploration of digital illustration techniques and their uses as both tool and medium. The general focus is on technical operations and standardized procedures in preparation for offset printing. Digital illustration (primarily raster-based graphics) and their applications in publication design contexts constitute the bulk of the investigations; however, traditional illustration techniques are also utilized as an introduction in this advanced course.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 109 /IFS 109 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 345 - Digital Journalism

    3.00 credit hours
    Analysis of the technological convergence that has occurred in the modern news environment, and the creation of content that is effective across a range of media platforms. Emphasis on analyzing and selecting the proper medium to suit the message and the ability to move across social media and multimedia platforms with ease. Students research and write content that is optimized for online and mobile audiences, utilize blog creation sites and audio and visual tools.

    Prerequisite(s): MED 325 , MED 113  and MED 117 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 382 - Computer and Electronic Music

    3.00 credit hours
    (Same as MUS 382 .) Basic concepts and techniques of computer music research, composition and performance. Topics include digital audio signal processing, MIDI, computer programming for music, sound analysis and synthesis, algorithmic processes and various stylistic approaches to making electronic music. Students with advanced programming skills will be allowed to focus on software development and those with a stronger interest in musical creation may focus on various software and performance techniques.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 390 - Special Topics

    3.00 credit hours
    Exploration of a topic of current interest. Topics vary depending on student and faculty interest. May be taken more than once with different content.

    Prerequisite(s): Varies with topic.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 392 - Topics in Journalism

    3.00 credit hours
    An intensive study of specialized fields of journalism or media studies. Possible topics include: data journalism, ethics, history of journalism, entrepreneurial journalism, feature writing, sports writing, brand journalism, community journalism, humor and opinion, environmental journalism and long-form journalism. Course may involve a mixture of study and practice of a particular field or genre.

    Prerequisite(s): SPC 185  and Junior standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 405 - Advanced Radio Production and Direction

    3.00 credit hours
    The preparation and direction of program materials (commercials, promos, PSAs, music, drama, etc.) on an advanced level. Laboratory uses WONC-FM production studios.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and MED 262 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 417 - Advanced Video Production

    3.00 credit hours
    Advanced video production work with an emphasis on the aesthetics of film-style directing and editing. Students work to communicate visually through dramatic, comedic, documentary and experimental forms. Students shoot entirely on location and have access to computer-based graphics, animation and editing software in the Pfeiffer Hall edit suite.

    Prerequisite(s): MED 269  

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 485 - Multimedia Journalism Capstone Seminar

    3.00 credit hours
    Students will individually and collaboratively create an in-depth, interactive story package. Applying research, writing and multimedia tools, students will produce a portfolio package that follows all of the legal and ethical guidelines for in-depth journalism. Students will undertake the curation and evaluation of online analytics and data visualization. Students will also develop a strategy for promoting and disseminating their journalistic package.

    Prerequisite(s): MED 345 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MED 490 - Portfolio Workshop

    3.00 credit hours
    Working independently or in a small group, under the direction of an IMS faculty advisor, students create original interactive media presentations. Required of all IMS majors.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior status; declared IMS major.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.


Modern and Classical Languages

  • MCL 130 - People and Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa

    3.00 credit hours
    Introduction to the cultures and issues of the modern Middle East and North Africa.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MCL 380 - Theoretical Foundations of Teaching ESL/Bilingual Students

    3.00 credit hours
    This course provides students with an overview of the theoretical foundations of ESL and bilingual education. Students are introduced to the historical, philosophical, political, social and educational issues that have contributed to models serving language minority students. A focus on second language acquisition and its impact on learning is provided. Historical trends and legal issues related to second language learning and bilingual education in the United States are discussed.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MCL 382 - Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching English Language Learners

    3.00 credit hours
    This course focuses on students’ development of an awareness and understanding of various cultural and linguistic factors that are important in addressing the needs of English language learners. Based on theories of cultural studies and intercultural communication, students examine and analyze behavioral expectations and learning styles of learners from different cultural backgrounds and their impact on cross-cultural teaching and learning. Includes 10 hours of clinical experience.

    Prerequisite(s): MCL 380 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MCL 390 - Topics in Language and Culture

    3.00 credit hours
    Intensive study of an interdisciplinary topic with special focus on culture and the role of linguistic and/or lexical diversity. Content varies from course to course.

    Prerequisite(s): Transfer student with a minimum of 48 transferred credit hours.
    ACR: Intercultural.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MCL 480 - Senior Language Certification Portfolio

    1.00 credit hours
    Creation, revision, and compilation of language teaching artifacts reflective of state course content requirements for secondary language certification. This course is required of all language majors minoring in secondary education or certification-only students completing requirements for secondary language teaching. Students must register for and complete this credit before graduation, preferably during the term before student teaching.

    Prerequisite(s): A minimum of 15 credit hours in Spanish , French or German above SPN 310 , FRN 310  or GER 203 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.


  • MUS 101 - Music Theory I

    3.00 credit hours
    Study of basic notation rules, triads in root position, triads in first and second inversions voice leading rules, phrase structure, cadences, harmonic progressions and rudimentary forms.

    Must be taken concurrently with MUS 108 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 102 - Music Theory II

    3.00 credit hours
    A study of non-harmonic tones, dominant seventh chords, altered non-harmonic tones and seventh chords. This course includes the study of basic harmonization techniques using triads and seventh chords as well as the study and analysis of standard music literature.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 101 . Must be taken concurrently with MUS 109 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 108 - Aural Skills I

    1.00 credit hours
    Introduction to basic concepts of musicianship including rhythm performance and recognition, sight singing and ear training.

    Must be taken concurrently with MUS 101 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 109 - Aural Skills II

    1.00 credit hours
    Continued basic work with sight singing, ear training, triad recognition and melodic and rhythmic dictation.

    Must be taken concurrently with MUS 102 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 110 - Cardinal Chorus

    0.00-0.50 credit hours
    Cardinal Chorus is dedicated to the study and performance of a wide variety of choral repertoire and to the development of foundational choral and vocal skills such as sight-reading, tone color, choral diction and blend and balance. Each term includes at least one public performance. No audition required, but a voice placement will take place as part of the rehearsal process each term.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 111 - Concert Choir

    0.00-0.50 credit hours
    The North Central Concert Choir performs a varied repertoire in three formal college concerts as well as occasional off-campus appearances and tours. Membership is by audition and open to all North Central students with consent of instructor.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 112 - North Central Express

    0.00-0.50 credit hours
    Membership in the North Central Express is limited to 16 members and is by audition only. Auditions are held the second week of Fall Term. Repertoire is of a popular nature and performances are staged and choreographed. This group has frequent off-campus performances.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 113 - Naperville Chorus

    0.00-0.50 credit hours
    The Naperville Chorus is dedicated to the performance of large-scale musical works, with orchestral accompaniment and professional soloists. Membership is open without audition to anyone with previous singing experience.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 114 - Concert Winds

    0.00-0.50 credit hours
    Concert Winds performs a wide variety of music, including new music and works from the standard repertoire. Concert performances are scheduled both on and off campus. Auditions are held for placement within sections and for the select ensemble, Chamber Winds.

    Prerequisite(s): Ability to play appropriate instrument.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 115 - Big Band

    0.00-0.50 credit hours
    The 20-member Big Band performs a wide variety of large-ensemble jazz and popular music. Each year the ensemble performs at least three concerts on campus. Audition is required.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 116 - Women’s Chorale

    0.00-0.50 credit hours
    The study and performance of choral music for women’s voices. Each term culminates in one or more public performances; tours and special events are also scheduled. Audition is required.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 150 - Listening to Music

    3.00 credit hours
    Introduction to the masterpieces of Western music; a broadly-based grounding in the rudiments of music, aesthetic values; and literature of the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and contemporary periods.

    Core: Humanities.
    IAI: F1 900

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 156 - The World of Music

    3.00 credit hours
    Introductory course with examples drawn from the musics of the five continents: Asia, Africa, Europe and North and South America.

    Core: Humanities.
    IAI: F1 900

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 181 - Jazz Improvisation I

    3.00 credit hours
    Fundamentals of jazz harmony, rhythmic style and melodic development utilized in jazz improvisation. Technical, ear training and improvisation exercises using the major scales and the dorian and mixolydian modes. Analysis, transcription and performance of recorded jazz solos are used to illustrate these principles.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 102 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 182 - Jazz Improvisation II

    3.00 credit hours
    Principles of jazz harmony, rhythmic style and melodic development utilized in jazz improvisation. Technical, ear training and improvisation exercises and jazz repertoire utilizing the ii-V-I harmonic progression, the blues scale and form, the aeolian and locrian modes and the minor ii-IV-I harmonic progression. Analysis, transcription and performance of recorded jazz solos illustrating these principles.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 181 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 201 - Music Theory III

    3.00 credit hours
    Study of altered dominant chords, modulation to closely related keys, borrowed chords and diminished seventh chords as they apply to the form and analysis of standard music literature.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 101  and MUS 102 . Must be taken concurrently with MUS 208 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • MUS 202 - Music Theory IV

    3.00 credit hours
    A study of extended chords, modulations to foreign keys, augmented sixth chords, Neapolitan sixth chords and the tone row. A study of harmonization and modulations are applied to the analysis and form of standard music literature.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 101 , MUS 102  and MUS 201 . Must be taken concurrently with MUS 209 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.


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