A minimum of four credit hours from the following with at least two credit hours taken from each area:
Career Readiness - Preparation Courses:
ARTD 494 - Professional Practices
ANTH 315 - Applied Economic Anthropology
APHS 490 - Senior Seminar Experience I
BIOL 390 - Careers in Biological Sciences
CARD 250 - Cardinal Careers
CHEM 391 - Seminar I
CHEM 392 - Seminar II
CHNS 202 - Intermediate Chinese II: Working With China
COMM 280 - Business and Professional Communication
CSCE 494 - Senior Capstone *
EDUC 494 - Residency Seminar
ENGR 100 - Introduction to Engineering
EXSC 101 - Foundations of Exercise Science
HTSC 494 - Senior Seminar Experience *
LANG 470 - TESOL Portfolio and Placement Planning
NUTR 301 - Foundations of Nutrition Practice
PHYS 391 - Seminar I
PHYS 392 - Seminar II
PSYC 293 - Careers in Psychology and Neuroscience
SBEN 220 - Professional Development
SOCI 250 - Pathways in Sociology
SPAN 322 - Spanish for the Professions
Career Readiness - Experiential Courses:
ANTH 399 - Independent Study
ANTH 445 - Interdisciplinary Field School
ANTH 499 - Independent Study
APHS 475 - Leadership Styles and Reflective Practice in Healthcare
ARTD 395 - Practicum: Design Agency
BCHM 400 - Capstone Studies in Biological Sciences
BIOL 400 - Capstone Studies in Biological Sciences
CARD 300 - Cardinal Internship
CHEM 485 - Chemical Research and Scientific Writing
CHNS 411 - Chinese for Professional Settings
CRIM 497 - Criminology Internship
CRIM 498 - Criminology Senior Thesis II
CSCE 494 - Senior Capstone *
EDUC 496 - Student Teaching Residency
ENGL 118 - College Humor Magazine Practicum
ENGL 120 - College Literary Magazine Practicum
EXSC 490 - Internship Seminar
HTSC 494 - Senior Seminar Experience *
LEAD 494 - Capstone: Applied Leadership
NEUR 295 - Research Practicum
NEUR 297 - Internship
NEUR 300 - Advanced Behavioral Neuroscience **
NEUR 310 - Advanced Molecular Neuroscience **
NEUR 497 - Internship
NEUR 498 - Senior Thesis
NUTR 315 - Nutrition Therapy I
NUTR 416 - Nutrition Therapy II
PHYS 410 - Advanced Experimental Physics
PSYC 295 - Research Practicum
PSYC 297 - Internship
PSYC 330 - Community Psychology **
PSYC 360 - Psychological Assessment **
PSYC 397 - Internship
PSYC 497 - Internship
PSYC 498 - Senior Thesis
SBEN 300 - Business Internship
SMGT 490 - Sport Management Internship Seminar
SOCI 400 - Sociological Culminating Experience
SPAN 397 - Internship
*Courses carrying both the Career Preparation and Career Experiential designations, as listed in each category, may satisfy both requirements if the course taken is for at least 4 credits. Courses that are 4 credits may not satisfy both requirements unless they carry both the Career Preparation and Career Experiential designations and can be found in both listings.
**This course only meets one of the two credits required for Career Experiential. Another Career Experiential course of at least one credit will be required to fulfill the requirement.