Sep 22, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The courses listed herein  have been approved by the faculty as authorized by the Board of Trustees.  Prerequisites (if any) and the General Education Requirement(s) which each course fulfills (if any) are noted following each course description.

Current course offerings are available in Merlin.



  • COMM 301 - Rhetoric and Public Discourse

    4.00 credit hours
    Students develop an understanding of rhetorical communication in the public sphere. The course explores historical and contemporary rhetorical theory, which students use to critique the rhetoric of current public issues. In addition to developing an understanding of the integral role rhetoric plays in civic life, students develop their abilities to analyze, critique and contribute to public discourse.

    Prerequisite(s): CARD 102  or COMM 100 .
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Humanities.
    iCon(s): Engaging Civic Life.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 317 - Intercultural Communication

    4.00 credit hours
    A study of the basic components involved in intercultural communication. Topics considered include, but are not limited to: cultural biases, cultural determinants of experiences and backgrounds, social perception, verbal interaction, nonverbal interaction and opinion leadership.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Social Sciences, Global Understanding.
    iCon(s): Challenging Inequity, Thinking Globally.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 330 - Organizational Communication Theory

    4.00 credit hours
    Students develop an understanding of the major theoretical perspectives contributing to the study of organizational communication, from classical management through cultural, critical, feminist, postmodern and constitutive approaches. Students conduct basic field research and learn how to employ theoretical perspectives for analyzing communication practices in organizations.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 214  and four additional credit hours in Communication.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): U.S. Power Structures, Writing Intensive.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 335 - Freedom of Expression

    4.00 credit hours
    Examines the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of speech, religion, press and association, and its role as a cornerstone of American democracy. Students study foundational U.S. Supreme Court cases that have defined and delimited these freedoms. They learn how to analyze legal and moral arguments and conduct basic legal research. They also develop an understanding of the political and philosophical conflicts surrounding the exercise of First Amendment freedoms.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Ethical Dimensions.
    iCon(s): Engaging Civic Life.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 350 - Public Relations Strategy

    4.00 credit hours
    An advanced-level course in PR examining organizational principles, applied theory and strategic planning practices—including social media integration-underscoring the effective management of public relations. Team-based applications of PR research planning, tactics and implementation for real-world clients. The course also emphasizes best practices in PR writing across platforms.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 250  and MEDI 225 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 355 - Public Relations Writing

    4.00 credit hours
    Students develop advanced writing skills applicable to the public relations industry. More specifically, the course focuses on professional writing across a variety of platforms including print, electronic media, social media, sales and promotion, campaigns and direct marketing.

    Prerequisite(s): MEDI 225 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 367 - Persuasion Theory

    4.00 credit hours
    An introduction to the study of persuasive communication from a social scientific perspective. Theories examines the characteristics of source, message and audience. Topics covered include strategic planning and organization of persuasive messages, audience analysis, motives and values, effective use of language, the role of context and purpose, propaganda and the abuse of persuasion, campaign planning and brand messaging. Students present and analyze persuasive materials orally and in writing as a way of developing communication and critical abilities.

    Prerequisite(s): CARD 101 ; CARD 102  or COMM 100 ; Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Social Sciences.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 370 - Health Communication

    4.00 credit hours
    Summative course examining the intertwining of communication with issues of health and medicine. Emphasis on the unique cultural, media, political-legal, interpersonal and organizational factors influencing communication in healthcare settings.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 200  or COMM 214 ; Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Social Sciences.
    iCon(s): Being Human, Examining Health.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 389 - Gender, Sexuality and Mass Media

    4.00 credit hours
    (Same as: GSST 389 .) An advanced introduction to the complex relations between gender and the mass media. Special emphasis is placed on the social construction of gender and sexuality, representations of the body and feminist theories of media.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Humanities, U.S. Power Structures.
    iCon(s): Being Human, Challenging Inequity.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 390 - Seminar in Communication

    4.00 credit hours
    Examination of special topics within the area of communication studies.

    Prerequisite(s): Eight credit hours in Communication.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 397 - Internship

    0.00-12.00 credit hours
    Valuable professional experiences supplement classroom instruction and allow students to apply theories and concepts to broader issues and system. Students explore career options within a specific area of study and critically reflect on the experience in a structured manner. May be repeated with different professional experience.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 400 - Communication Theory and Research

    4.00 credit hours
    An advanced study of the different traditions of communication theory and their epistemological, normative and ontological assumptions. The focus of this course is on student comprehension of the breadth of thinking within the field of communication and on the responsibility for positioning oneself as a scholar or professional within this field of thought.

    Prerequisite(s): Twenty credit hours in Communication and Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Writing Intensive.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 412 - Media Criticism

    4.00 credit hours
    An advanced survey of theoretically-informed approaches to media criticism, with an emphasis on news media, television and film. Students learn to use the conceptual tools media scholars employ to analyze the content, form and effects of media messages. Ethical and political questions raised by media texts are also examined.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 185  and Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): U.S. Power Structures, Writing Intensive.
    iCon(s): Engaging Civic Life.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 415 - Media Institutions

    4.00 credit hours
    A study of the business practices, institutional forms and production and distribution processes of major media industries in the U.S. and around the world. Surveys the impact of technology, media policy and regulation, globalization and broader political economic forces on both the individual media enterprise and national and transnational media systems. Examines the unique work routines and labor relations that tend to prevail within media industries. Special emphasis is placed on the advantages and disadvantages of commercial, for-profit media and their various alternatives (state-run public service media, citizen journalism, etc.).

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 185  and Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Global Understanding, Writing Intensive.
    iCon(s): Thinking Globally.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 430 - Advanced Organizational Communication

    4.00 credit hours
    This capstone course bridges theory and practice by emphasizing key organizational communication activities. With particular emphasis on contemporary research and current practices, students discuss topics such as superior-subordinate and peer interaction, stakeholders and decision-making, socialization, gender, globalization, emotion, conflict, identity, image, technology and change. Through individual and collaborative projects, students continue to develop their abilities to analyze, critique and practice organizational communication.

    Prerequisite(s): COMM 330  and Junior standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 490 - Seminar in Communication

    4.00 credit hours
    Examination of special topics within the area of communication studies.

    Prerequisite(s): Eight credit hours in Communication.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • COMM 497 - Internship

    0.00-12.00 credit hours
    Valuable professional experiences supplement classroom instruction and allow students to apply theories and concepts to broader issues and system. Students explore career options within a specific area of study and critically reflect on the experience in a structured manner. May be repeated with different professional experience.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.


Computer Science

  • CSCE 160 - Introduction to Computer Programming

    4.00 credit hours
    An introduction to computer science and programming, emphasizing the development of algorithms and problem solving skills using both procedural and object-oriented approaches. Topics include data types; I/O; arithmetic, relational and logical operators; control structures; functions; simple data structures; different computing environments such as the Linux operating system are also explored. Integrated laboratory.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 210 - Data Structures

    4.00 credit hours
    Elementary data structures and algorithms. Topics include the design, implementation, application and variations of the following: linked lists, stacks and queues, different types of trees, searching and sorting algorithms, graphs, and introduction to analysis of algorithms. Extensive programming required. Integrated laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in CSCE 160 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 220 - Computer Organization and Design

    4.00 credit hours
    Basic computer architecture including combinational circuits, instruction sets, microprogramming, assembly language, I/O (devices, busses and interrupts) and memory systems and organization. Integrated laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in CSCE 160 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 230 - Discrete Structures

    4.00 credit hours
    Fundamental topics in mathematics and computer science including: formal logic, proof techniques, sets, relations and functions, combinatorics and counting techniques, induction and recursion, discrete probability, number theory and cryptography, graphs, Boolean algebra, finite state machines and modeling computation, program verification and algorithm analysis. Programming may be required.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 160 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 297 - Internship

    0.00-12.00 credit hours
    Valuable professional experiences supplement classroom instruction and allow students to apply theories and concepts to broader issues and system. Students explore career options within a specific area of study and critically reflect on the experience in a structured manner. May be repeated with different professional experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 306 - Object-Oriented Software Development

    4.00 credit hours
    Object-oriented design and implementation of large scale software. Topics include object-oriented modeling and design, such as the use of UML and software design patterns, object-oriented language features, such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and overloading, and using existing class libraries. Extensive programming required. Integrated laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in CSCE 210 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 315 - Web Applications

    4.00 credit hours
    Development of web applications. Topics include HTTP, the Browser and Document Object Models, Server-side technologies such as Java Servlets, ASP.NET MVC and Node JS/Express; Client-side technologies JavaScript, AJAX and JQuery, and server-side database access. Introduction to Single Page Apps and Restful services using JAXRS and ASP.NET Web API. Extensive programming required.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 210 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 320 - Computer Architecture

    4.00 credit hours
    Introduction to digital computer architecture. Topics include performance metrics and evaluation, instruction set architecture, data representation, processor design, memory hierarchy and cache, I/O, data path and control, pipelining, branching, multiprocessors and (review of) assembly language programming. Integrated laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 220 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 327 - Linux Programming

    4.00 credit hours
    Fundamental concepts, library facilities and programming techniques that provide the foundation for application, systems, network and Internet programming on Linux and Unix systems. Course topics include the operating system kernel, process management, I/O, pipes, signals, sockets and shell programming. The course does not cover system administration. Extensive programming required in C/C++.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 220  and CSCE 306 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 330 - Mobile Applications Development

    4.00 credit hours
    An introduction to creating applications that run on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and smart watches. Topics include device hardware and development platforms, interface design, interactivity, SQLite database, multimedia and monetization. Extensive programming required. Integrated laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 306 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 335 - Introduction to Game Design and Development

    4.00 credit hours
    Project-based course. The design and development of computer games, with an introduction to a modern game engine such as Unity or Unreal Engine. Extensive programming and major project required. Integrated laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 306 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 336 - Human Computer Interaction

    4.00 credit hours
    Fundamental principles in the design, implementation and evaluation of human-machine interfaces with emphasis on human computer interaction. Topics include user psychology, theories of human learning and perception, audio and visual physiology, graphical user interfaces, task analysis and usability heuristics.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 210 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 340 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    4.00 credit hours
    Design and analysis of algorithms. Classification of algorithms by time and space complexity. Algorithm design techniques such as divide and conquer, the greedy method and dynamic programming. NP-complete problems and approximation algorithms. Introduction to parallel algorithms.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 210  and CSCE 230 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 370 - Principles of Programming Languages

    4.00 credit hours
    Design principles behind modern programming languages, analysis of languages, language implementation, formal specification, semantics and parsing, and comparative study of programming paradigms. Programming required.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 210  and CSCE 230 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 390 - Special Topics

    4.00 credit hours
    A course covering a topic of current interest, such as game development, e-Business, social analytics, virtual/augmented reality or mobile computing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 397 - Internship

    0.00-12.00 credit hours
    Valuable professional experiences supplement classroom instruction and allow students to apply theories and concepts to broader issues and system. Students explore career options within a specific area of study and critically reflect on the experience in a structured manner. May be repeated with different professional experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 420 - Operating Systems

    4.00 credit hours
    An examination of approaches to computer system resource management. Topics include scheduling, memory management, file systems, I/O management, multiprocessing, security, and protection. Research literature is used to introduce systems research topics. Extensive programming required. Integrated laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 220  and CSCE 306 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 455 - Windows and .NET Programming

    4.00 credit hours
    System and application programming on Windows and the .NET platform using C#. Topics include Windows Forms and the Windows Presentation Foundation, inter-process communication, .NET network programming, ADO.NET and security.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 306 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 460 - Database Systems

    4.00 credit hours
    Introduction to data modeling, database design and implementation, SQL, transaction processing, concurrency and recovery with emphasis on the relational model. Database connectivity APIs, such as JDBC are also covered. Programming required.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 210  and Junior standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 464 - Data Mining and Machine Learning

    4.00 credit hours
    Introduction to the data mining process and its application to real-world problems. Topics include data preparation techniques, supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms and post-processing metrics to identify information of interest. Programming required.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 210 ; CSCE 230 , MATH 280  or MATH 340 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 469 - Computer Networks

    4.00 credit hours
    Exploration of the theory and design issues in data communications and computer networks. Topics include network architecture, TCP/IP protocols, wireless and mobile networks and network security. Extensive programming required. Integrated laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 220  and CSCE 306 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 479 - Computer and Network Security

    4.00 credit hours
    Introduction to the theory and methods for developing and maintaining secure systems and applications. Topics include secure infrastructures, intrusion prevention and detection, viruses and anti-virus software, software security, authentication, cryptography and legal and ethical issues. Modern topics, such as cryptocurrency, cyber physical systems, cloud computing, etc., are covered through a survey of research and technical literature. Programming required. Integrated laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 220  and CSCE 306 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 480 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    4.00 credit hours
    Foundational concepts in artificial intelligence (AI); definitions, survey of AI topics, problem solving and searching, heuristics, knowledge representation, reasoning, learning, programming languages for AI; study of applications areas and the research literature. Programming required.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 230  and CSCE 306 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 487 - Parallel and Concurrent Programming

    4.00 credit hours
    A course in hardware, software and language aspects of parallel computing, focusing on the development of effective parallel algorithms and their implementation on a variety of parallel architectures and interconnection networks.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 420 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 490 - Special Topics

    4.00 credit hours
    A course covering a topic of current interest, such as cloud computing, e-Business, machine intelligence, social analytics, video design, virtual/augmented reality or mobile computing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 494 - Senior Capstone

    4.00 credit hours
    Students apply the many skills they have acquired during their undergraduate studies by participating as a member of a team to design, develop and present a computing solution (software/hardware) to a substantive problem. Group process and leadership skills are addressed as well as ethical considerations important to computer science professionals. Formal project proposal, progress report and technical report writing are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): CSCE 420  and Senior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Career Preparation, Career Experiential.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CSCE 497 - Internship

    0.00-12.00 credit hours
    Valuable professional experiences supplement classroom instruction and allow students to apply theories and concepts to broader issues and system. Students explore career options within a specific area of study and critically reflect on the experience in a structured manner. May be repeated with different professional experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.



  • CRIM 100 - Introduction to Criminology

    4.00 credit hours
    Explores and evaluates how crime is defined and measured and examines crime patterns and trends. Provides an overview and critical assessment of the major theories of crime causation, as well as a survey of the consequences of crime and solutions to behavior that has been labeled as “criminal.”

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CRIM 300 - Intersections of Crime

    4.00 credit hours
    A socio-historical analysis of the effects of race, socio-economic status and gender on legitimate social opportunities, criminal behavior, victimizations and differential treatment by the criminal justice system.

    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CRIM 496 - Criminology Senior Thesis I

    2.00 credit hours
    The first in a two-semester sequence of courses required to fulfill the Capstone Senior Thesis. A research-based seminar for students planning on attending graduate school or pursuing a career in research, policy or analysis. Students will draw on their knowledge of theory, methods and policy learned in core and elective courses to analayze and propose a research plan on an important topic in criminology.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CRIM 497 - Criminology Internship

    4.00 credit hours
    A dynamic and interactive course serving as a capstone option for the Criminology major. Participation in an internship for a minimum of 180 experiential learning hours at a mutually agreed upon location. Through interactions with practitioners, students develop marketable skills, begin to establish networks, and recognize and apply learned concepts from the major course sequence as they are applied in the professional environment. Allows for the development of career/graduate readiness.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Career Experiential.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • CRIM 498 - Criminology Senior Thesis II

    2.00 credit hours
    The second in a two-semester sequence of courses required to fulfill the Capstone Senior Thesis. Results in a substantice piece of scholarship involving primary or secondary research, which services to synthesize knowledge acquired in the Criminology major over the course of the student’s undergraduate career. A senior thesis project should be an original work that contributes to the discipline of criminology.

    Prerequisite(s): CRIM 496 .
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Career Experiential.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

East Asian Studies

  • EAST 165 - Introduction to East Asia

    4.00 credit hours
    (Same as: HIST 165 .) A broad survey of East Asian civilization that highlights important cultural developments during representative eras of Chinese, Japanese and Korean history. These snapshots provide a basic foundation for understanding contemporary East Asia and serve as an ideal gateway to the East Asian Studies majors and minors.

    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Humanities, Global Understanding.
    iCon(s): Being Human, Experiencing Place, Thinking Globally.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EAST 397 - Internship

    0.00-12.00 credit hours
    Working under the direction of an East Asian Studies faculty member, students arrange and complete an internship with an approved organization. Students are expected to reflect upon their experiences in a report using academic sources.

    Prerequisite(s): One 200-level East Asian Studies course.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EAST 399 - Independent Study

    1.00-12.00 credit hours
    Working under the direction of an East Asian Studies faculty member, students complete a work of original research on an East Asian Studies topic.

    Prerequisite(s): One 200-level East Asian Studies course.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EAST 499 - Independent Study (Capstone)

    1.00-12.00 credit hours
    This course serves as the Capstone experience for East Asian Studies majors. Working under the direction of an East Asian Studies faculty member, students complete a work of original research on an East Asian Studies topic.

    Prerequisite(s): One 300-level East Asian Studies course.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Writing Intensive.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.


  • ECON 100 - Economics of Social Issues

    4.00 credit hours
    A survey of basic economic theory with an emphasis on the basics of the market system. This course shows the application of economics to real world problems such as pollution, inflation, health care and unemployment. This course may not be taken after completing either ECON 200  or ECON 205 .

    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Social Sciences.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 200 - Principles of Microeconomics

    4.00 credit hours
    Introduction to the theory of consumer choice, social and individual welfare, the behavior of business firms and market structure, and other applied microeconomic topics.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 130  or higher.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Social Sciences.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 205 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    4.00 credit hours
    Introduction to macroeconomic theory, with emphasis on factors which explain changes in national income, unemployment and inflation. Other topics include money and banking, fiscal and monetary policies, distribution of income and economic crises.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 130  or higher; ECON 200  recommended.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Social Sciences.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 230 - Feminist Economics

    4.00 credit hours
    Feminist economics analyzes both economic theory and economic life through the lens of gender and advocates various forms of economic transformation. In this course, students explore this new field in economics through a theoretical and empirical introduction to the subject, critical assessment of mainstream analyses of gender differences and inequality, and implications of feminist economics to access, equity and the environment.

    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): U.S. Power Structures.
    iCon(s): Challenging Inequity, Sustaining Our World.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 240 - Introduction to Environmental Economics

    4.00 credit hours
    (Same as: ENVI 240 .) Environmental Economics primarily examines the impact of economic activity on the environment and the shortcomings of the market system in valuing environmental costs and benefits. The focus of the course is the recent development and application of new and potential economic instruments to improve environmental quality.

    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Social Sciences.
    iCon(s): Sustaining Our World.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 290 - Special Topics: Contemporary Issues in Economics

    1.00-4.00 credit hours
    Topics vary depending on student interest and faculty expertise. Topics and prerequisites are announced in advance and placed in the course schedule.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 297 - Internship

    0.00-12.00 credit hours
    Valuable professional experiences supplement classroom instruction and allow students to apply theories and concepts to broader issues and system. Students explore career options within a specific area of study and critically reflect on the experience in a structured manner. May be repeated with different professional experience.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 310 - Economics of Sports

    2.00 credit hours
    The industry of sports is analyzed from an economics perspective through the lens of league competitiveness and collusion, revenue-sharing, player compensation, salary caps, free agency, antitrust issues surrounding both professional and collegiate athletics, as well as the economics of sports stadiums and arenas.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 320 - Industrial Structure and Public Policy

    4.00 credit hours
    An application of microeconomics which involves analysis of the structure, conduct and performance of firms within industries. The empirical evidence and economic theory relating to pricing practices and policies under various market structures are also examined. Special emphasis is placed on theory and precedents within U.S. antitrust policy and regulation of industry.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 .
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Writing Intensive.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 325 - Health Economics

    2.00 credit hours
    An application of economics analyzing health and healthcare topics. Topics include the economics of healthcare expenditures, health behaviors, insurance markets, the hospital industry, public policy and regulation issues, among other related topics.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 .
    iCon(s): Examining Health.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 330 - Labor Economics

    2.00 credit hours
    An application of the economic theory related to labor markets with an emphasis on policy implications and how the market determines employment and wages.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 335 - Behavioral Economics

    2.00 credit hours
    The theory and analysis of how market agents make economic decisions utilizing a combination of economic and psychology insights. Topics related to consumer and business firm decision-making are analyzed though the application of understanding irrational behavior and mental biases.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 .
    iCon(s): Being Human.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 340 - International Economics

    4.00 credit hours
    The theory of international trade and the behavior of international institutions. Examination of how trade, trade restrictions and international monetary systems affect domestic business and economic prospects.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200  and ECON 205 .
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Global Understanding.
    iCon(s): Thinking Globally.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 350 - Public Finance and Social Welfare

    4.00 credit hours
    An examination of the economic role of the public sector in the United States with an emphasis on theory and policy analysis of the effects of government spending and taxation. Topics include the role of government intervention in the market, the tax system, income redistribution programs, social security and deficit financing, among other current policy issues.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200  and ECON 205 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 355 - Mathematical Economics

    4.00 credit hours
    Focus on the application of mathematics to the theoretical aspects of economic analysis. Topics may include equilibrium analysis, comparative statics, optimization problems and dynamic analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 , ECON 205  and MATH 151 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 360 - Money and Banking

    2.00 credit hours
    An examination of the function of money, credit and financial institutions in the U.S. economy, and an analysis of Federal Reserve policy and its impact on the economy.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200  and ECON 205 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 365 - Econometrics

    4.00 credit hours
    This course provides exposure to the estimation and testing of economic models using statistical methods and appropriate empirical data. Emphasis is placed on model construction and the use of multiple linear regression for interpretation, analysis and forecasting.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 ECON 205 ; BUSN 265  or MATH 340 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 370 - History of Economic Thought

    4.00 credit hours
    An examination of economic thought with major concentration on the selected writings of economists from the mercantilists through the end of the 20th Century, such as Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, Marx, Veblen, Keynes and more recent schools of thought.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200  and ECON 205 .
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Writing Intensive.
    iCon(s): Being Human.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 375 - International Political Economy

    4.00 credit hours
    Analyses of the problems and prospects challenging the global community at a time of political and economic change through the study of the roles of industrialized countries, former socialist bloc states and the Third World. Attention is given to the interplay of political and economic power as components of planetary well-being.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 ,  ECON 205 .
    iCon(s): Thinking Globally.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 380 - Economic Development

    4.00 credit hours
    This course analyzes and explains various reasons behind the wealth of nations. Topics covered include economic development, poverty and inequality, economic growth, considering the role of culture, agents and institutions, among other topics.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 , ECON 205 .
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Writing Intensive.
    iCon(s): Challenging Inequity, Experiencing Place.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 390 - Special Topics: Contemporary Issues in Economics

    1.00-4.00 credit hours
    Topics vary depending on student interest and faculty expertise. Topics and prerequisites are announced in advance and placed in the course schedule. May be taken more than once with different content.

    Prerequisite(s): One Course in Economics.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 397 - Internship

    0.00-12.00 credit hours
    Valuable professional experiences supplement classroom instruction and allow students to apply theories and concepts to broader issues and system. Students explore career options within a specific area of study and critically reflect on the experience in a structured manner. May be repeated with different professional experience.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 400 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    4.00 credit hours
    An economic analysis of consumers, firms, and markets. Consumer theory includes indifference curve analysis with applications related to a wide range of consumer behavior. Firm costs and revenue decisions are analyzed within the context of market structure and public policy.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 , ECON 205 ; Junior Standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 405 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    4.00 credit hours
    Macroeconomic theory and policy at the intermediate level. Topics include measurement of aggregate variables, economic growth, and business cycles. Consumer behavior and firm production decisions are analyzed in their relation to the economy as a whole.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 200 , ECON 205 ; Junior Standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 450 - Economics Capstone Seminar

    2.00 credit hours
    The capstone course for economics majors includes advanced investigation of the ways in which economists approach and practice their craft. The course centers around a research project.

    Prerequisite(s): One 300 or 400-Level Economics Course, Senior Standing.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • ECON 497 - Internship

    0.00-12.00 credit hours
    Valuable professional experiences supplement classroom instruction and allow students to apply theories and concepts to broader issues and system. Students explore career options within a specific area of study and critically reflect on the experience in a structured manner. May be repeated with different professional experience.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.



  • EDUC 101 - Foundations of Teaching and Learning

    4.00 credit hours
    Examination of the structures and processes that frame the work of teaching and learning in schools with an emphasis on equity and culturally relevant and sustainable practice. Emphasis on the impact of curricular learning standards and development of children and adolescents on teaching, learning and decision making. An overview of the profession, the Danielson Framework for Teaching, the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, Common Core Standards and the expectations of the North Central College Teacher Education Program are introduced in this gateway course. Required: 15 field experience hours must be completed at North Central College. Students are required to provide proof of health insurance. Registration for this course at least 15 days prior to the first day of the term is strongly encouraged as additional background checks may be required; an additional fee could be incurred based on district requirements for background checks.

    Prerequisite(s): Background check and Tuberculosis test.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Social Sciences, U.S. Power Structures, Community Engaged Learning.
    iCon(s): Challenging Inequity.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EDUC 200 - Introduction to HS/MS/K12 Teaching

    4.00 credit hours
    Introduction to HS/MS/K12 instructional and assessment strategies. Emphasis on lesson planning and strategies that develop the skills and processes needed to help high school, middle school, and K-12 students acquire foundational, conceptual and procedural knowledge. Includes instruction in appropriate use of technology in high school, middle school, and K-12 classrooms.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 101 . Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 290 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EDUC 228 - Elementary Methods: Social Studies

    4.00 credit hours

    Introduction to methods of teaching social studies in the elementary and middle grades classroom including instructional and assessment strategies. Emphasis on direct teaching, interactive instructional strategies and assessment strategies that develop the skills and processes needed to help elementary and middle grades students acquire foundational, conceptual and procedural knowledge.



    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 101  and PSYC 100 ; and HIST 222  or HIST 224  or HIST 226 . Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 260  and EDUC 291 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EDUC 235 - Educational Technology in K-12 Classroom

    2.00 credit hours
    Introduces preservice teachers to curricular uses of computers and related technologies and applications for teaching and learning in grades K-12.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 101  or concurrent enrollment.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EDUC 260 - Elementary Methods: Literacy I

    4.00 credit hours
    Provides a foundational understanding of literacy and its related components. Teacher candidates are introduced to various reading and learning theories, as well as effective use of children’s literature within literacy instruction. Candidates develop techniques to support students in applying their developing literacy skills to different situations, materials and ideas.

    Prerequisite(s): EDUC 101  and PSYC 100 . Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 228  and EDUC 291 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EDUC 290 - HS/MS/K12 Field Experience I

    1.00 credit hours
    Introductory experience in directed observation and participation at selected attendance centers (50 clock hours). This course is graded pass/no pass. Students are required to provide proof of health insurance. Registration for this course at least 15 days prior to the first day of the term is strongly encouraged as additional background checks may be required; an additional fee could be incurred based on district requirements for background checks. Background check required. Tuberculosis test required.

    Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 200 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EDUC 291 - Elementary Field Experience I

    1.00 credit hours
    Introductory experience in directed observation and participation at selected attendance centers (50 clock hours). This course is graded pass/no pass. Students are required to provide proof of health insurance. Registration for this course at least 15 days prior to the first day of the term is strongly encouraged as additional background checks may be required; an additional fee could be incurred based on district requirements for background checks. Background check required. Tuberculosis test required.

    Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 228  and EDUC 260  or MUED 351 .

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EDUC 320 - Equitable Learning Environments: Elementary

    4.00 credit hours
    Examination of management models and strategies, as well as school policy related to discipline. There is an emphasis on teaching for equity and change. Approaches to making classrooms, curricula and instructional strategies culturally responsive are studied.

    Prerequisite(s): Education majors: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 324 , EDUC 326  and EDUC 391 . Non-Education majors: Junior Standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Ethical Dimensions, U.S. Power Structures.
    iCon(s): Challenging Inequity.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EDUC 322 - Equitable Learning Environments: HS/MS

    2.00 credit hours

    Examination of management models and strategies, as well as school policy related to discipline. There is an emphasis on teaching for equity and change. Approaches to making classrooms, curricula and instructional strategies culturally responsive are studied.

    *** Course required only for students who enter Fall 2022 or beyond***


    Prerequisite(s): Education majors: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 360  and EDUC 390 . Non-Education majors: Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Ethical Dimensions, U.S. Power Structures.
    iCon(s): Challenging Inequity.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.

  • EDUC 322 - Equitable Learning Environments: HS/MS

    4.00 credit hours

    Examination of management models and strategies, as well as school policy related to discipline. There is an emphasis on teaching for equity and change. Approaches to making classrooms, curricula and instructional strategies culturally responsive are studied.

    ***Course required only for students who entered before Fall 2022.***

    Prerequisite(s): Education majors: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 360  and EDUC 390 . Non-Education majors: Junior standing.
    Cardinal Directions Designation(s): Ethical Dimensions, U.S. Power Structures.
    iCon(s): Challenging Inequity.

    Click here for the schedule of classes.


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